Often people in grief are still in such a state of shock that they have difficulty making critical decisions.  Although we as funeral home directors recognize this reality, it can at times make the process of completing funeral arrangements grind to a halt.

In order to facilitate the healing process, we are as patient as possible, but it would help if we had some handy resources at our fingertips to speed things along.

One solution is to have laminated Idea Cards in your office file.  Sometimes, all it takes is one creative suggestion to jumpstart the thinking of your clients.  Most likely, you already have a “Funeral Preparation Guide.”  It is probably fairly detailed, so write up an abridged version that fits on one sheet of paper, with your name, email address, and your funeral home contact information at the bottom.  Laminate it and file it under “Idea Cards.”

One Idea Card is worth a thousand words and a good hour of your time.  Seeing written suggestions that specifically deal with the problem your clients are facing will help them focus on the tasks at hand.  Other Idea Cards can cover, for example:

  • Creative ideas for planning a funeral service
  • Putting together a comforting family gathering
  • What to consider when deciding on a casket
  • The fastest ways to contact people (email, Facebook, phone)
  • What to say if someone asks…
  • Why do I feel this way? (Stages of Grieving)

These are all areas that you normally cover with your clients, but many people who are flooded with grief only half hear what you say to them because their minds are so distracted.  Rather than repeating yourself, or risking them misunderstanding what you have said, have these Idea Cards available to clarify and to remind your clients of what you have told them.  Give them two or three cards that best fit the topics they need the most help with.  Seeing these tasks simplified on a handy card will enable grievers to recall what you discussed with them.  With your contact info at the bottom, they can easily reach you if they have more questions.

The feeling of being overwhelmed is a natural barrier to action.  Being forced to take on unexpected responsibilities while in the middle of grieving is no different.  Your clients need help sorting out what to do when.  By being proactive and offering something as simple as an Idea Card, you can give your clients a much-needed boost and get them to tackle their share of the funeral arrangements with a clearer perspective.

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Exclusively for funeral homes, hospices and churches.